Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Uninvited-Amanda Marrone

Jordan Malone's a high school student on Long Island with a vampire ex-boyfriend (Michael) stalking her. He torments her every night by talking to her through the window, asking her to let him in. Jordan knows that is she invites him in, he could kill her or worse-turn her into a vampire.
Jordan's a troubled teen who gets trashed and smokes pot. Her friends are so weird: Rachael, Gabby and Janine. It's all party, sex and drugs to them. Lisa returns from "rehab" and she doesn't really talk to her much. Jordan goes to a party for the 1st time in a long time and sees Michael there (her first time actually seeing him) and freaks and gets the heck out of there. Lisa's at her house and knows about Michael. The ending is the best part...Lisa's gonna get turned and Jordan finds out that Michael never really loved her. She has kill him and save an old friend.
It was really weird at first, but then near the end it was good. I read it with 2 other guys for pop lit. It's only 204 pages long. Note to self: check out Amanda Marrone's other book: The Revealers