Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thirst No. 2-Christopher Pike

I love this book series. It's so easy to read. It's non-stop action and it has a ton of twists. I highly recommend it to all the vampire fans out there.
Sita's story continues in these three books: SPOILER ALERT!
In Phantom, after Sita becomes human again, Ray comes back from the dead and he and Sita move into a house together. Sita becomes pregnant with her daughter. She meets Paula, another pregnant girl. Sita is only pregnant for about 2 months in all, the growth of the baby is accelerating. When her daughter is born violently, she is name Kalika, she who destroys. Kalika is part vampire and needs blood, so Sita regretfully tricks a boy into coming home with her. His blood feeds Kalika. Kalika is fully grown within a couple week, looking about 20 years old. She is the incarnation of Kali Ma. She wants to see Paula's baby once he is born. Paula runs with the baby soon after. Sita uses some of the baby's blood with Yaksha's too make her a vampire again. She faces her daughter and Seymour is stabbed. Sita heals him with the rest of the baby's blood she had from the hospital.
In Evil Thirst, Sita meets Dr. Seter and James. They have a scripture that Suzama, an old friend of Sita's from Egypt and she could see the future, wrote and Sita wants to see it. It mentions that Krishna, Jesus and this baby all have the same soul. It mentions the Dark Mother, Kali Ma. Kalika is still after the baby and they all end up at Lake Tahoe. Sita finds out who James (Ory) really is only after her daughter is fatally injured.
In Creatures of Forever, Sita finds out that some aliens from another dimension have her blood. They are the Setian for back in Egypt, lizard beings. Alanda, an old friend of Sita that she doesn't remember assists Sita in going back in time only in soul to stop Landolf from ever getting her blood. She goes back to when she saves Dante whose a leper. She plays out what happened as it should until the confrontation, where she kills Landolf only to find out Dante is the real Landolf. She doesn't give him her blood.
In the end, Sita goes back to when Yaksha was born and stabs his infant body.
She has changed her path. She will not become a vampire. So, how come there's a Thirst No. 3 if there are no vampire anymore?
