Monday, April 12, 2010

Captivate-Carrie Jones

Zara White and her friends have just discovered pixies existed and are protecting the town by trapping them in a iron surrounded house. Zara found out she was half pixie in the last book, Need, and that her father is the pixie king.
Zara saves a pixie named Astley from being taken by a Valkyrie to Valhalla, who turns out to be another pixie king. He's much nicer than any pixie she's meet (because all pixie she's met are bad ones). Zara's skin changes blue (the true color of a pixie's skin; they also have sharp teeth and silver eyes) whenever he's around, her reaction to him.
When a 3rd pixie king shows up and lets the other pixies lose, the take revenge on Zara's werewolf boyfriend, Nick. A Valkyrie takes him away and Zara has to figure out how to save him. She asks Astley to kiss her and change her into a full pixie so she may enter Valhalla.
Issie is her human bff. Devyn's Issie's beau and he's a were-eagle. Zara's step-grandma, Betty, is a weretiger. Cassidy is....can't tell you. Mrs. Nix is a werebear.
I really like this series. Zara's obsession with phobias is funny. I like how bubbly she is in the 1st part of the book. It's really written all funny-like and it's made of awesomeness. See? Now I'm talking like them!