Monday, March 29, 2010

This World We Live In-Susan Beth Pfeffer

This is the third book of The Last Survivors series, and the last. In Life As We Knew It, Miranda Even from Howell, PN wrote about her family's survival after an asteroid knocked the moon closer to the Earth in her diary. In The Dead and the Gone, we saw how Alex Morales and his sisters survived after it in New York. Now we're back to Miranda's diary and the weather changing. It's raining once again, finally. It's been about a year since it happened, and they're getting food once a week, rationing it. Matt and Jon travel to the river to catch some shad fish. Matt marries some girl her just met, Syl. Dad and Lisa come back with their baby, Gabriel as well as three other people: Alex, Julie and Charlie. Miranda starts to fall for Alex, but Alex has to leave soon for Julie's safety.
I love this series. It's so amazing. Survival stories with a sci-fi edge are just......amazing.