Friday, March 19, 2010

Fang-James Patterson

One word: Fangtastic!
Of course, the whole series is amazing (except the 4th book, The Final Warning)
So, where should I start?
The Flock go to Africa on a CMS mission. Angel predicts that Fang will be the first to die. They meet the mad-scientist Dr. G-H there. They also meet one of his creations, Dylan, the new bird kid and Max's "perfect other half" blah blah blah...Voice you suck. Dr. Chu is also there and he's probably helping with the Dr.'s experiments.
The Flock go back to their new house and Max attempts to home school the Flock and Dylan & Jeb show up and the house is attacked and Angel makes everyone vote Max off the island and Max and Fang end up in Los Vegas and the rest of the Flock go to Hollywood. Angel, the new leader (evil kid) is gonna make them have fame and fourtune. I swear if I go on anymore I will spoil EVERYTHING. I loved it too much.
So here:
Pop Lit Journal:

(A Journal Entry by Max or a fanfic by Haley—SPOILER ALERT!!!)

Dear Diary…um…I mean Journal. (Diary sounds too sappy.)

I don’t want Fang to die, and I’m glad he didn’t. I just wish he didn’t leave me. I mean, he said it was so I could be my best “leaderness.” Dr. G-H and the Voice…They’re both wrong. I need Fang. I love Fang. Without him…I don’t know. I just hope that he’ll come back. Dylan sacrificed himself for us, and it’s hard to believe, even harder than believe that he was my “perfect other half.” Maybe he was. I’m sick of the Voice and fanatical white coats telling me things I don’t want to hear. As cheesy as it sounds, Fang is my one true love. I just know it. I grew up with him. He used to make fun of the white coats while he was trapped in the dog crate next to mine. We would laugh together despite our situation.

But, life must go on. I’m the Flock’s leader once again, and I must make tough choices and sacrifices for the ones I love to survive. If that means never seeing Fang again, I guess I’ll have to deal with it. If Dr. Goony-Loony is right, and the Apocalypse is really coming, then we will do what we have to do to survive. Note to self: Doing what we have to do to survive does not include injecting miracle reactants created by mad scientists.

Other than Fang leaving and then almost dying and then leaving for good, the past few weeks have been completely ludicrous. We went to Africa where Mr. Chu disappeared into a tent and Jeanne healed herself. Then we met Dr. God (My favorite nickname for Dr. G-H.) and Angel predicted that Fang was going to be the first to die and then Dylan came a long and ruined everything. Then we came back home and I attempted to educate the Flock. Angel made everyone except Fang vote me off as flock leader and then she took over and dragged them all to Hollywood while me and Fang flew off to Los Vegas. When we came to find them in Hollywood, their skin was more blemished that a teenage troll. It was disgusting to know that Dr. G-H’s reactant caused that. And then Angel. I swear she is grounded for life! (Since I’m the leader and I say so!) She pointed a gun at me, threatened to kill me! Hello? What happened to the sweet Angel I used to know. She’s over seven and she wants to overtake my awesomeness. I guess maybe they Flock’s just growing up. But…I truly hope Fang does come back so we can be together.

