Thursday, February 11, 2010

Shiver-Maggie Stiefvater

This was a very good werewolf book. I recommend it and give it 4 stars.
I liked Sam especially. He's a very hot guy. I think I even dreamed about him. I recommend it to anyone on "Team Jacob" of if you just like wolves or werewolves in general.
Grace is drawn to a yellow eyed wolf from the pack that lives in the wood behind her house. The wolf is shot and becomes a human guy, Sam. Sam knows it's his last year as a human and he must avoid the cold at all cost so he can be with Grace as long as possible.
Pop Lit Journal Entry (SPOILER ALERT!!!):

In the Wolves of Mercy Falls series, author Maggie Stiefvater introduces a different kind of werewolf. One that changes based on temperature rather that the phase of the moon. Sam was bitten when he was seven. Back then when he was first bitten he was less stable. He would change with the slightest drop of temperature. Through the years he became more stable. He was only a wolf in the winter. But, with every passing year he would change into a wolf earlier and back into a human later. That is because the longer he is a werewolf, the less time he gets as a human. He eventually will be stuck as a wolf and live for about fifteen more years after that. Sam’s had only about eleven years of shifting, but the one who has been taking care of him, Beck, has had over twenty years. That is probably because of what happened to Sam after he was bitten. His parents tried to force him into a bath tub and bleed him. In the book he was still a wolf until he was shot in September. He changed back to a human on Grace’s drive way and she took him to the hospital. Right after he was stitched up he healed and they left the hospital.

A lot of the book is Grace and Sam trying to spend as much time as possible together before Sam changes for the winter and probably forever. It made me really sad that he would be stuck as a wolf once he shifted. I kind of wished he could be like the wolf shifters in the Twilight Saga that can shift at will and think human thoughts in wolf form. I liked Sam too much to have him stuck as a wolf for the rest of the series. Thank goodness they found a cure. Meningitis cured the werewolf disease with a fever. It killed Isabel’s brother Jack though. And he was still in human form when they injected him. Heat keeps these werewolves from shifting, so Sam avoided the cold at all cost. Okay, maybe he went out into it a few times, but he bundled up. He stayed in Grace’s house, in her room. He parents aren’t home much so they never noticed. She kept him warm and they talked a lot and he wrote songs about her.

Some other things about the werewolves in this book: they can heal fast as long as the wound isn’t bleeding too badly, the have heightened senses, especially a great sense of smell, when the shift their eyes stay the same color and their fur color is their hair color, if you get bitten you become a werewolf too, and a really high fever can cure you from shifting into a wolf. Grace was bitten six years ago but has never shifted because she got a high fever after her dad locked her in the car during a hot summer day.
