Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Burned-P.C. & Kristin Cast

Last. Blog entry. Ever:

I love the House of Night series, and in the 7th book, this one, Zoey's stuck in the Otherworld because her soul's been shattered. Stevie Rae summon the white bull with Earth, not knowing that the white bull is Darkness, not Light like the black bull. The white bull gives her the info for the price of blood, and Rephaim takes it for her and she calls the black bull and he saves them for the price of her being tied to Rephaim's humanity, though he's a Raven Mocker. Stevie Rae gives the info to Aphrodite and she relays it to Stark. Stark goes to the Isle of Women to become uncivilized and goes to the Otherworld to save Zoey. He has to make Heath move on, Zoey to pull her soul together so she's not a restless not-dead-but-not-alive thing, and to defeat Kalona. The ending's pretty good, so I will not spoil it.

Liked it though most of it was in 3rd person, the next book is Awakened.

~*Haley* Good bye all those who even glanced at this.

Here are the next few books I was planning to read. I give up on this blog, it's not worth it.