Friday, May 7, 2010

Radiant Shadows-Melissa Marr

Ani is a hound halfling with a hunger for both emotion and touch. This, as well as being able to feed off of both mortal and fey, makes her abnormal. Irial, Gabriel and Rabbit are all protective of her but know that she is very strong herself.

Devlin is the Bloodied Hands of the High Queen, he's her assassin. He was the 1st male fey, created by both Sorcha and Bananach, brother to both. Years ago Sorcha sent him to kill Ani, but Rae, a spectral mortal he met over a hundred years ago, convinced him not to.

When Ani and Devlin meet in a club, Ani kisses him and feeds herself. He feels drained and wonders what she is. Eventually he's falling in love with free spirited Ani and here are some highlights of this book:

-Rae, the spectral girl, she can walk in dreams of others.

-Sorcha, Bananach and Devlin can only see the futures of those not tied to them.

-Seth can see the future as a fey in the Mortal world.

-Irial's been doing experiments on Ani's blood, seeing if it can help the Dark court.

-Ani gets a steed! She names it Barry for Barracuda. I thought it was cool.

-The High Court's queen Sorcha kinda unbalenced now. The Unchanging Queen has changed.

-Ani & Devlin take Barry across the country for Ani's safety and when they stop at a rest stop, it's funny when Devlin almost walks into the girl's room. Ani tells the other lady in there that Dev's just shaken up cuz he's sensitive. lol

-Ani & Dev stay in a hotel for a night.

-Sorcha asks Rae to walk into some artists dreams.

-Faerie falls apart while Sorcha's sleeps to dream about her "son" Seth.

-Dev & Ani save faerie by bring Seth to wake the queen.

-Devlin & Ani start the Shadow Court!

That's about all I can think of. I had a hard time reading it because it's in 3rd person. I just have a short attention span when it comes to boring books. I'll give it at least 1 star, though for the funny parts.
